If you are faculty or staff member interested in developing a program (for credit) to lead Howard students abroad, please visit the Ralph J. Bunche Center to discuss this option, and/or email bunchecenter@howard.edu to set up an appointment.

Howard University Faculty & Staff Checklist  

For Leading Students Abroad 

  • Department/Dean has reviewed itinerary, learning goals etc and approved the proposed program.  
  • Submitted proposal to the Bunche Center for program standards review.  
  • Identified necessary co-leaders: programs must have a 1 to 10, leader to student ratio, with a minimum of 2 leaders per program regardless of student numbers. 
  • Lead, co-leaders and student participants have been cleared by the Title IX office.  
  • Leaders have participated in pre-departure training (required once every three years). Contact studyabroad@howard.edu to schedule your training or register for the next workshop. 
  • Students have been scheduled for pre-departure workshop with the Bunche Center. 
  • Identified and communicated to students immunization and visa requirements. 
  • Submitted student and leaders names to the University’s International Insurance provider.  

Click here to view full Faculty/Staff Handbook 

Click here for Travel Approval Process Overview 


Program Timeline 


Task  Winter Program  Spring Break Programs 


Summer Programs 


Program Development/Proposal/Contract signed with 3rd Party  Fall Previous Year  Spring of Previous Year 


Spring Previous Year 
Program Announced/Advertised  Previous Spring Semester  Fall of Academic Year 


Fall of Academic Year 
Application Due & Student Selection (go/no go date if not enough students)  September 1st  Dec 1st  Jan 1st 
Student deposit due to secure spot. Submit Travel Forms to Provost Office  October 1st  Jan 1st  February 1st 
Final Payment  November 1st  February 1st  March 1st 
Travel   December/January  First Week March  May/June/July 

*Programs short of this timeline require special approval by Provost office or should be delayed till the following year.